
  行业动态     |      2021-11-08 09:33:23


The purpose of this document is to clearly specifythenature of packaging required for use in delivery of Painted Components tothe NCR Manufacturing Facility.

本文清楚描述了 NCR 制造设备的喷涂零件在运送中的包装要求。

The documentapplies to all Painted Components, independent of substrate material.



It is the responsibilityofthe NCR Supplier ManagementTeam (SLM) to ensure that all PaintedComponent Suppliers are aware of thisNCR Requirement, and to includeit within any operational or contractual arrangements created as part ofexisting or new supply lines.

NCR 供应商管理(SLM)小组负责确保所有喷涂零件供应商都清楚此 NCR要求,并且现有的产品或新的供应线都要有此要求。

It is the responsibility ofthePainted Component Supplier to ensurethat NCR's Painted Component Packaging requirements are adhered to during supply line operation.

喷涂零件供应商负责确保在在生产线操作过程中都要依附 NCR 的喷涂产品包装要求。



Painted Components are defined as any components which have an external surface which has been finished using a paint product.


Paint may be Wetor Powder Coating type and can be partial, single or multiplelayer application.


The specification appliesto paints of all colour, texture and gloss - Standard NCR Colours and any CustomColour type. (e.g. RAL, Pantone,Munsell or Bespoke NCR CustomerShades) 

本规范可应用于所有颜色、材质和光泽的喷涂——标准 NCR 颜色和任何客户颜色。(如:色号、Pantone, Munsell、或预定 NCR 客户颜色)


All Painted Components shall be delivered to theNCRFacility individually packed and ina manner that allows individual partsto be easily picked / separated fromthe lot.

所有运送到 NCR 的喷涂零件都要单独包装,并且包装方式应利于从批中取出单个产品。

-The Painted Components shall be packed individually by usingBubble Wrap (AirCap®CL 9.5mm x 4.2mm) or similarproduct which meets or exceeds the protective properties associated with theAirCap®material.

喷涂零件应使用气泡垫单独包装(AirCap® CL 9.5mm x 4.2mm )或者使用等同于甚至超过

AirCap 材料保护特性的相似产品包装。

- The Bubble Wrap shall completely encase the component and shall be held in place using a suitable adhesivetape, such as 'Tesa 4089 PV6', or similar.

气泡垫应完全包住零件,并应在适当的位置贴上用适当的胶带(如 Tesa 4089 PV6,或相似的产品) 

- Application of the BubbleWrap and AdhesiveTape shall be such that separation of thecomponent fromthe packaging can only happen wherea definite separation activity is applied.


Where deliveries of Individually WrappedPainted Components involve use of a Pallet (or similar) to contain a quantity of components, the Pallet andPainted Components shall be ShrinWrapped(or similar) to ensure components donot become separated during transport / delivery.


Where deliveries of Individually Wrapped Painted Componentsinvolve useof a Box or Carton tocontain a quantity of components, the Box or Carton shall be sealed by suitable method toensure components do not become separatedduring transport / delivery.



Exceptions to the above Primary Packaging Requirement can be agreedwith the NCR Gourdie SLMGroup.

与以上主要包装要求例外的情况可以与 NCR 的 SLM 小组商议。

Exceptions shall be grantedwhere the nature, geometry or supplyvolumes associated with the PaintedComponent are such that Individual Bubble Wrappingof components does not offer the bestvalue Supply Line Solution.



Exceptions may include, but are not limited to, the use of Returnable Packaging,alternative packing materials or useof Separators to avoid individual packaging.


Exceptions shall be documentedusing appropriateNCR Deviation Paperwork (Ref SLM Deviation Process) which details the exception and the agreed packing method.

例外的情况应该使用适当的 NCR 不符合文件(参考 SLM 不符合程序),NCR 不符合程序 包含了例外的情况和同意使用的包装方法。


Keydrivers that Painted ComponentSuppliers must be aware of regardingthe packaging and delivery of Painted Components are as follows -:


•    No Damageto be incurred during delivery ofcomponent to point of use.

•  在零件的运送过程中不能出现使用上的损坏

•    Maintainconsistency of packaging during all deliveries.

•  在所有运送过程中保证包装的一致性

•    Retaincopies of any Exception Documentation(Deviations)

•    保留所有例外(不符合)文件的副本